Simple clean eating grocery haul

Do you struggle with eating clean? Find all of the programs and plans daunting? Feel like once you figure out some structure you get to the grocery store and the lengthy ingredient lists leave you making multiple trips?

That was me when I started. I would read recipes (scrolling far too long to get to the actual recipe), write out the ingredient lists and spend far too much time at the grocery store going up and down aisles. It was far too complicated and left me feeling like a failaure.

As time went on, I found ways to clean up my favorite go to meals and find easy and affordable ways to eat clean without breaking the bank.

Tips for eating clean on a budget

Tip #1: Avoid the trendy “health” foods: A lot of companies use terms like “healthy” or “natural” on their labels but that isn’t actually regulate which means the foods are being advertised to be healthier than they are and become more expensive. An easy way to tell what’s healthy and what’s not is to eat whole, natural foods that don’t require a lot of packaging or ingredients to preserve them. These foods are usually found on the perimeter of your grocery store (fruits, veggies, lean proteins, nuts).

Tip #2: Plan your meals around the ingredients you already have: After you look at a recipe, what’s most helpful is to go through your fridge, freezer and pantry. You can modify recipes based off of what you already have which saves you money and time spent at the grocery store.

Tip #3: Make a list from your meal plan and stick to it: Making a list ensures you don’t buy unnecessary items wasting money and enables you to spend less time in the store. Once you’ve done your inventory of your pantry, then make your list and shop solely from that list. This ensures you are able to stay on track all week instead of having extra temptation you don’t need.

Tip #4: Choosing in season ingredients to save money: Sticking to in-season fruits and vegetables enables you to save money on items that are more readily available during that time. If you’re unsure of what’s most in season, ask your local produce department. At the store I shop, those items are usually front in center in the produce department well advertised.

Tip #5 Take advantage of the convenience of frozen items: Frozen fruits and veggies can be a great, affordable option when eating clean on a budget. When buying frozen, those items go from farm to the processing company to be flash frozen at their peak. Stores often have their own brand of frozen items as well which can be a bonus discount.

To see an example of what a week looks like for me check out this simple, clean eating grocery haul!

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