Are you sabotaging your own journey?

Did that headline just make you go “hmmmm….?”

Hopefully, it did. Something I had to learn when I started my own health and fitness journey, was that I was actually SABOTAGING my own weight loss goals. Yes, I claimed I was doing all of the things but in reality I was skipping some crucial components. Here are five things you may be doing that are sabotaging your journey…thankfully, they’re easy to fix!


YESSS SIS! You and I both know our to do lists are farrrr too long, we claim we never have enough time to do ____ BUT we both scroll social media, watch Netflix or stroll the aisles of Target for non-necessities. Thankfully, no one is asking you to stop doing any of those things. Stretching is a key component to getting results because it aids in your recovery. Stretching, foam rolling and massage actually improve the benefits of experience and decrease your recovery time which = GAINS! So next time to think to skip your recovery think twice and make it a priority!


Something I just went over in my course was hydration and how it relates to cravings! It is recommended to get 2-3 L of water in per day. This is one of the biggest struggles my clients have. We can pound a venti coffee or a marg with no problem but some people struggleeee to get their water in. Properly hydrating actually can aid in your burning calories and improve your performance. Also, did you know not being properly hydrated affects water retention!? Crazy, but it’s true. So if you’re struggling to hydrate I highly encourage you to set timers on your phone and when the timer goes off drink a glass of water.


Did you just go…wait, what? Yes! When you start on your journey, you can see the scale go UP when you consistently start working out because you are building muscle. Now, a pound is a pound regardless of what it is. Do not believe the nonsense. However, muscle is more dense then fat. So the scale does not always define your success or give you an accurate reflection on your results. Stay the course. Trust the process. And, if you’re someone who lives by the scale put it away. Refer it after each phase in your program but do not let it define your life. Period.


Stress can be the worst thing for someone on a health and fitness journey. In my program, we go over what happens to the body when it’s under stress, how it affects your hormone levels and your ability to get results. Too much stress can also lead to water retention which can increase your weight. Really look at your goals, have you set realistic expectations for yourself? Are you putting stress on your ability to achieve those goals in a certain time frame? Stress increases specifically your cortisol levels which can cause you to gain weight. So BREATHE girl. Make a list of things you enjoy and instead of stressing, go do one of those activities and give yourself some grace.


One way I was sabotaging my goals in the beginning, was I wasn’t accounting for drinks or little snacks throughout the day. There is no harm in ordering your favorite drink of choice whether it’s from your fav coffee shop or restaurant. But, a lot of the drinks we tend to gravitate towards when we aren’t making them ourselves like smoothies, coffees and speciality drinks at restaurants come packed with a lot of sugar. If you indulge daily in these things and you’re not hitting your goals this easily could be the culprit. What I started to do was make my own smoothies & coffee at home. Significantly less calories and saves mad money.

If you’re struggling to find a program that meets your needs and your busy lifestyle. Fill out my client intake form and let’s go over creating a program that is customized to YOU!

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