Transform Your Body, Transform Your Life: Chapter One Commit

Woah…..where to start?

Two weeks ago, my clients and I embarked on a new program. Part of me thought it would be like any other new program that we had completed, but I quickly realized I was wrong, wrong, wrong. This program honestly, from day one, was a challenge. From the new moves, use of a new piece of equipment and a different pace, I was humbled.


By day three, my quads and calves were so sore steps felt like a cruel experience. At first, I wasn’t into this program like programs before. I even thought maybe this just wasn’t a program for me….but when I really reflected on what was going on, I wasn’t mentally invested like prior programs. So, instead of giving up, I switched my workout time and it made ALL the difference in the WORLD!

After I changed my workout time, I told myself that I would kick up my fav jams and give it my all. There’s just something about those endorphins + solid music that = one sweaty session. During my first week, I purposely slowed down, listened to the trainer and improved my capabilities with each move to get the most out of the workout.

Then when week two started, I committed to improving my speed and going for the full twenty minutes. That’s right, if you didn’t check my last post, this workout is ONLY 20 minutes and I’m THANKFUL because if it was any longer I wouldn’t survive lol. As the week went on, I started to enjoy the program more and more. The moves were challenging but if how sore I am is any indication this program’s results are going to be everything!


Honest moment, my nutrition during the first couple weeks hasn’t been 100% but that’s exactly why I love doing these programs because they’re realistic. The nutritional guide that comes with the program is so easy and effective but it’s realistic. If you want to have a treat, it doesn’t deter your results. You don’t have to skip food groups or starve. When following a program, I eat more than I normally do which makes this foodie veryyyyy happy!

Over the past two weeks, I’ve been able to follow the plan, eat out and even have some fun snacks that weren’t a part of the plan without ruining my results. Each week I focus on simple meals. Things that are delicious, good for you but simple for the busy weeks. On my meal plan I’ve included, tacos (ground turkey and shredded GF teriyaki), zucchini pasta, grilled chicken and veggie salads, mocha smoothies, easy snacks like apples, carrots, hummus. Also, I’ve ate out including grilled steak and shrimp (paired it with a salad and sautéed spinach) and one day even had a couple chocolate glazed donuts.


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