Mantra Monday: The woman you desire to be is on her way…..

Life gets hard. Life can start to feel overwhelmingly impossible and you can start to question your abilities to persevere. But dear friends, these times will make you the fierce woman who you deserve to become. Do not lose sight of it because right now you feel like you’re losing yourself.

It’s hard….the moment when you realize that you’re not yourself, that things have started to go array. These are the moments when you start to blame yourself, your actions, your confusion of the lack their of, you start to question what kind of quality of life you could have. It’s not true unhappiness that you are being suffocated by as much as that you feel awkward in your current circumstances.

Loves….realize your time, it’s going to come it’s just not going to happen when we want it to.

Surely you’ve heard of the ebbs and flows, the rollercoaster ride that life tends to take. If we allow ourselves, we know that there is going to be a lesson to be learned from our current position as we get to the top of the hill.

Sometimes, we can’t see it, the potential for it, or how in the hell it’s going to come around….but I know exactly how you feel. I also know that joy is coming.

Even though right now, you may feel off, lost or even awkward, you’re going to come back. From darkness comes true light. You will return. But if you’re anything like me, when you return it’s going to be on another level you didn’t realize you could possess and it’s going to be badass. You’re going to be different in the best possible way.

Life is forever constantly changing, how you feel right now could literally change in 5 seconds. (Recommend you read The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins). We don’t know what we are going to intercept in our daily lives, thus the reality of our current situation could change in an instant.

Whatever is bringing you down, changing your vibes, weighing heavily on your heart…’s going to end. It cannot and will not last forever. There was a person, with a soul, intentions and goals that existed before this change came and that person….they’re coming back. Do not allow yourself to feel alone in this moment, know you are there, maybe in this changed present state, but you are not lost.

Always remember what I have had to learn time and time again, we cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we react as a result of what’s happening. Life can be downright difficult, media can present a very ugly picture, our judgment can be clouded by stress, loss and heartbreak. But you, your lovely soul, that ambition and drive, it gives you a light that can be seen even in the darkest of times.

Sooo….to you, the woman striving to be more, do more, live more who doesn’t feel whole right now, I want you to know something. You can be whoever you want to be, achieve whatever you want to achieve and live however you want to live. Solely by putting one foot in front of the other and never, ever, ever giving up just because life gives you a shitty hand. Instead of folding. Change the game.

This period of time, it’s morphing you, it’s changing you, if you let your heart and soul remain open, your going to come back fiercer than you ever thought possible. Those things, people or circumstances you never thought you’d survive without….you will. The blood will continue to flow in your veins. Your body will keep moving. Your brain will keep formulating thoughts. Just manifest the right kind of thoughts with positive intentions.

Take this time to learn, grow and do the things you have always wanted to do but didn’t think you were capable of accomplishing. Use this period of time to establish the realist reality you so desperately desire and want to achieve.

Go become that badass woman that we both know you deserve to be.

And later, thank yourself for growing in all aspects of life and thank the universe for this struggle because from true struggle comes triumph.

Happy Monday loves.

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