5 quick tips for losing the weight AND keeping it off

Ever attempt to starting losing weight, get to a point you are comfortable and then life happens? You go backwards or maybe even farther then when you originally started? Ever wonder why it’s so hard for you to lose the weight and keep it off finally.

Tip #1: Mindset- don’t think that long term weight loss is impossible 

Accept the reality that no one is perfect, including you and allow yourself room for improvement and room for setbacks. You don’t have to suffer or deprive yourself the rest of your life to maintain your weight-loss. Creating a realistic lifestyle is critical to your success. Instead of being upset about a setback, embrace it as part of your journey. Utilize your setback as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and your triggers. Don’t be reactive when a setback happens, be proactive and get back on track without focusing on your setback.

Tip #2: Outlook: don’t think of exercise as a chore

Instead of hopping on the treadmill and doing something that is going to feel like a chore, find a form of exercise that excites you and motivates you to want to get up everyday. For some that can be in the form of dance, for others they like group fitness or competitive workouts that push you further and further. When you start to develop a habit and find a workout that you enjoy, your outlook will drastically change.

Tip #3: Stress: instead of letting it conquer you, conquer it

It’s no secret how bad stress is for you and just how bad it can be for your health. Cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, affects the way your body stores fat which can in turn increase your appetite stimulating hormones-thus causing you to gain weight.

The trick to improve your control with food and stress is to map out your week via a meal plan. Making sure to balance out healthier options along with foods that you consider treats. Finding a simplified balance will help prevent you from over indulging and thus decreasing your risk for weight-loss in stressful times.

Tip #4: Food choices: you can have more than salad and celery

I’m sure you’ve heard or if you’re like me have tried many fad diets that had results but never were lasting. It can be easy especially with social media to easily be distracted with the latest marketing scheme or tactic. But, you don’t have to fall victim to any of the nonsense or assume that you have to eat foods that you don’t enjoy to get results.

There is no ultimate food to weight-loss, it’s about the puzzle not the individual piece. One food won’t ruin your progress just like one food won’t accelerate your results. Every body needs and thrives off of different things. If you force yourself to eat foods that you don’t enjoy, being healthy will come with resentment. Instead balance your nutrition with foods that are effective for being healthy but also the foods that you tend to enjoy in celebratory times.

Tip #5: Society: don’t allow others to pressure you 

So often, I talk to clients and they don’t want to be “that person” who is at the party and isn’t able to eat anything. What’s beneficial is if you share why you’re living a lifestyle and share why you want to achieve these goals. Then, instead of the stigma associated with healthy living and weight-loss, they will be more prone to support you. Remind yourself, this is your life, you have choices. You never know, your choices might just have a positive effect on those around you.

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