Mantra Monday: How to establish a lifestyle plan as a beginner

Hey friends!

I am soooo glad to be writing to you today! Life has been life lately…..this past month has totally thrown me off of my course in so many aspects that has left me constantly adjusting to change. But life goes on thankfully and now I feel like I am where I need to be to be more present to all of you!

In the last month, I’ve been thinking a lot about my clients and the online wellness groups I run. So often, we strive for the end game goal before we’ve even laced up our shoes to begin the journey. Instead of focusing just on what we want to see when we’ve achieve our goals, I want to provide more of a realistic approach to health and fitness.

For most of use that aren’t fitness professionals initially means starting at day zero, before you ever press play, make a meal or step on the scale! So can you establish a lifestyle plan as a beginner with no knowledge?

Step One: Exercise….it has to become a habit

Ever think about wanting to change your lifestyle or try a new fitness class but find yourself already fatigued before you ever start? It’s something called “decision fatigue” which means that we become drained or unmotivated due to a limited amount of energy for willpower and self-control.

Instead of thinking of a workout as a chore, think of it simply as part of your daily routine like brushing your teeth. Take away the expended energy necessary to decide to workout and simply remove that internal conversation you have in your head of “should I workout or watch that new episode of The Real Housewives?”Remove “I can do it later…..” Replace those thoughts habits and watch your routine slowly flourish. Take away the option and it becomes a lifestyle.

Step Two: But how do you create this exercise habit?

So…it sounds so easy huh Gina? But it’s not. So how do you create this whole exercise habit thing? Especially on those cold, rainy, un-motivating days when naps sound muchhhhhh better. Habits tend to repeat themselves and resemble past behaviors over present goals. So you’re probably like, “great, I’ve never been an athlete so I’m already behind…”

Nope! You just simple have to change your future by establishing a daily habit that becomes second nature and as a result you change your course. That doesn’t mean you have to step into the weight room or onto that treadmill. You can start with simple daily choices, take the stairs versus the elevator, walk instead of drive to your destination.

Simply practicing the same behavior over time, establishes a habit which in turns helps you to achieve your goals. Make it as simple as before you brush your teeth do 20 squats, or while you’re heating up your coffee do 10 push ups. Over time, your interest will increase as will your habits. Don’t think of the end goal, think of small habits that over time yield results.

Step Three: Get yourself some like minded friends

When you set out to change your life, not everyone is going to be thrilled or supportive if they aren’t also on the same wavelength. If you always find that your coworkers order out when you eat your lunch in the break room then forgo the break room and take your lunch outside.
What my clients have found as to one of the most effective changes they’ve found was establishing a buddy system through participating in my online accountability groups. Having a workout partner boosts your motivation significantly. Whether it’s in your room, at work, or in the group, working out with others can be helpful for accountability.
Surround yourself with those who are supportive of your lifestyle changes. Tell those you love about your personal goals and share with them why you want to achieve these goals. Thus establishing a second level of accountability which yields success.
Lastly, be mindful of your environment. Have easy access to your workouts. This is why I swear by working out at home, because every excuse you may have is negated from childcare, to driving to the gym in a storm and time. Clear a small space that’s your designated gym and get to work.
Step Four: Find an effective program that aligns to your goals
So now you have a foundation, you know your goals, you’ve got support but you don’t know what to do when you enter the gym? Ever feel that gym-timidation? Finding an effective workout program that aligns to your goals is critical.
Whether you like to follow one program/style or need variety what has become the most effective tool for my personal clients is something called “on-demand all access” which is the Netflix of workouts. This gives them access to every single possible style of workout with variety and the ability to determine a workout by style, time, trainer or level. This gives my clients a personalized way to determine what workout will work for them and set them up for success from the beginning.
Step Five: Now….it’s time to do the work
Always remember, there is no one sized fits all fitness plan. You have to listen to your body, be mindful of any physical limitations and be aware of your personal goals. Yes, there is going to be discomfort, you may be short of breathe, but if your body is resonating with physical pain or you’re developing secondary symptoms, be mindful and track what your body is feeling.
Be mindful of your form when you begin to workout. It’s important to remember quality over quantity, it doesn’t matter if you completed a workout if you did it with poor form which could pre-dispose you to injuries.
Remember, this is new, you’re going to need to ease into these changes make sure you’re resting and stretching properly to get the most internal and external benefits. Pace yourself. You didn’t get to the point you needed to make a change in a day, you won’t get there overnight. Be patient with yourself.
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