Cut the Crap Out of My Life

Cut the Crap Out of My Life: Week 2 Recap

Well….friends, week two was something else that’s for sure lol.

Going into week two, I knew from reading the Whole 30 book that I was in for a rough road but I wasn’t quite sure how rough until I hit days 8-9. Personally, I have been experiencing headaches since day one of the program. After meeting with my doctor, we found that my headaches in week one were from detoxing but the headaches from week two are related to medication I had to start taking.

To say my energy has been low would be an understatement.

Week two was rough, my workouts took more motivation, more internal push and more encouragement from my health and fitness focus groups than ever. Each day I would start my workout and it would take about five minutes before I felt like I was really able to push. Sometimes, I had to hit pause on my Hammer and Chisel workouts honestly. It took some convincing but I would a way to get through.

Nutrition, surprisingly isn’t as hard as I thought.

During week two, I kept up with simple recipes that didn’t require a lot of time or preparation because I had to travel for work and start to prepare to move to my next assignment. This caused a lack of time which meant, simple recipes, consistency with  meals and utilizing my Shakeology as my saving grace for long car rides. My meal plan was:

Breakfast-Shakeology with cold unsweetened coffee
Lunch- chicken, broccoli and sweet potatoes
Snack- Cashew Cookie Lara bar and an apple
Dinner- Steak, asparagus, rice cauliflower
Occasionally I had on hand a banana and organic fruit strips for when my sugar was an issue on my long days

Noticeable results during week 2 going into week 3.

During week two, I experienced the typical bloating, my abs disappeared and my pants felt tighter but that subsided by the end of the second week. During this time, I noticed that I was sleeping significantly better. I wasn’t waking up panicked each night like I normally do wondering how I was going to fit everything in. Physically, I didn’t notice any changes, some days I had to back off my weights and others I was able to increase. I am able to get through my rounds of push ups with less breaks but noticeably having a more difficult time with dynamic movements like split squats.
What to expect going into week 3.

So…what am I expecting in week 3? Honestly, not a whole lot other than successfully completing this week while moving and transferring to a different state. This week I will be leaving DC and moving to PA for another work assignment. During this time, I’ll be moving so I am focusing on simple meals again, limiting my grocery purchases to avoid waste and focusing on crushing my workouts and getting in my bonus leg workouts this week.

Personally, the internal issues I have been struggling with are all medication related. After speaking with my doctor last week, these are not going to change until my body adapts to the medication. As a result, it will be important to focus on my health during this transition and not so much change. This week I am hopeful for more energy and to have less headaches.

For nutritional purposes, my meal plan is as follows:
Breakfast-Shakeology with cold coffee
Lunch-chicken, broccoli, sweat potatoes and an apple
Snack-cashew cookie Lara Bar and a fruit strip if needed
Dinner- steak or shrimp with asparagus and mixed veggies

Bring on week three!

If you’re interested in getting started on your journey fill out this quick form!

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