Cut the Crap Out of My Life:

Cut the Crap Out of My Life: Week One Recap:

When I started this journey, I won’t lie. I had put it off for two months. Several of my friends had successfully completed the Whole 30 and had amazing results. But for me, honestly, I wasn’t nervous about the change in plan, the food or even the duration, I was truly afraid of failing.

This whole clean eating, lifestyle thing.

It’s only been two years for me.
That’s not a long time in the grand scheme of things.

So to take on something like Whole 30 when you read the first part of the book and are willingly going to complete something that makes you feel like crap for the first half, it’s nerve wracking. The reality though, these masses of cysts have been raging for far too long the addition of this injection has turned my world upside down. I don’t know even when I broke hand into a bunch of pieces, I ever experienced this kind of pain. But these side effects, they’re brutal. Some days I feel like I have the flu, I start to vomit while I workout, I’ve lost so much strength and the lows, are scarily low.

Nutrition has amazing healing benefits.
Especially when you remove all of the processed garbage.
Yes, for the most part, I eat clean.
But when I’m tired, I frequent Starbucks.
My schedule has been insane lately, so there have been more quick fixes for food.
Meal planning has been hit or miss.
I know that my choices aren’t helping.

Insert my quest for the Whole 30. The reason why I am not tagging my posts as strictly Whole 30 is because I am modifying and continuing with my Shakeology. It would be silly to stop utilizing the only thing that got me off my medication for my vitamin deficiencies, the only thing that has regulated my system even after seeing a GI specialist. It doesn’t interfere or change my results, honestly, I think it’s going to be my saving grace due to my food allergies I am even more limited on this plan.

So…what’s it really like? What can you expect?

Week one, has been brutal. I was reading the book and it said for those who had poor nutrition prior to starting would struggle more. Even though I eat clean, exercise and drink my superfoods. I still frequent Starbucks 3-4 times a week, I still have snacks when I cannot find time to eat at work. So for me, it took five days for the headaches to go away. They’re not regular headaches, they felt like my head was going to explode on days 1-3.

Day one the only thing I noticed was a headache, but by day two, I was moving slower. At work, it took longer to form thoughts and I could tell my body was fatigued. By day three, I was crabby, I won’t like I was short-tempered. Then on day 4, I had to force myself to get my workout in because I knee the detox was clouding my judgment. By day 5, I felt “normal” still tired but without a headache.

How does the nutrition plan work?

The meal plan food wise has not been hard at all for me. Personally, I had a dairy and egg allergy, so not having dairy hasn’t been any different for me. However, going from eating 6 times a day to 3 times a day has been struggle bus city. My body has yet to adjust and I am hungry. I’ve incorporated a snack utilizing Cashew Cookie LaraBars because being gone 11-12 hours a day at a job you never stop meaning burns my energy fast.

Shakeology is my breakfast modified with unsweetened cold coffee. No I actually don’t like coffee, I just like the fancy drinks at Starbucks full of sugar. To actually sit down and drink a cup of coffee, no thanks. But my body enjoys it in my shake so that’s been a beneficial way to avoid just drinking black coffee. Lunches have been chicken or steak with veggies and sweet potatoes. Dinner is the same rotating proteins as I am able.

Personally, I did not want to use the recipes in the first week. They are complex and involve a lot of things I don’t own or even know honestly what they are. I stuck to lean proteins, vegetables steamed with no oils and baked sweet potatoes plain. Honestly, it’s not hard to not having dressings, or anything fancy added to my food. Hydration has been huge, anytime I am hungry I drink more water, it’s really helping.

Changes in my body that I’ve noticed:

There hasn’t been any drastic changes yet. But because I am doing Hammer and Chisel, I do notice I am getting leaner which is my overall goal with the exercise program. My sleep has been completely off which is partially due to a change and the stress involved from my job. By the end of the first week, the weird bloat I had obtained after having to start on medication has completely gone away.

Also, I’ve noticed a different type of resilience. My mind is strong and focused. During my first week, I had a party and we went out. Instead of caving and eating the food, I ordered off a menu, stuck to my plan and drank water. It honestly wasn’t hard, when you’re doing something that your body needs and it isn’t just a physical desire for a number on the scale, cheating just isn’t going to happen.

What happens next?
Week two meal plan is simple. Easy to follow. For me, in the next two weeks, I’ll be working, traveling and potentially moving either home or to a new assignment. As a result, complex meals are just not going to happen. This week I am focused on success, they say most people quit in week 2 and I am not about to save. Thus, I’ve got a meal plan written out, going shopping after work and have my workouts planned from Hammer and Chisel to set myself up for success. What I’ve noticed is keeping this as basic as possible yields success. It was initially overwhelming with all of the recipes but I am just doing me and doing this in a way I know I can achieve.
No goal is impossible with a little trial and error.
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