10 Tips to Starting a New Lifestyle

Happy New Year friends! If you’re like me, you’ve scrolled through social media and there is a lot of reminiscing of the last year and a lot of resolutions and claims to making this year the ultimate of years! With that comes change in order to achieve those goals. In order to make small changes to yield big results, we must implement the things we have learned!

So…how do we go about making everyday changes that will enable us to achieve our greatest year yet? Here’s 10 tips for small ways to yield big results!

Tip #1: REMIX

Yes….music my friends can be a huge motivating factor into achieving your personal goals in fitness. Playlists can be epic for results! Music and their beats per minute are actually a necessary partnership to success. Faster, upbeat tunes, can really pump you up! Take time to make playlists according to the type of workout you are looking to do so you are always prepared!

Tip #2: Exercise & Watch TV

It’s the time of the year where are favorite shows return and new ones develop. If you’re like me, a busy professional, actually sitting down when the show is on is almost impossible. Instead, I complete my workout at home while I stream one of my shows. If on a rare occasion, I actually sit down to watch a show, I take commercial breaks to do plank challenges, ab workouts or even push ups. It’s fun to challenge yourself each commercial to get one more repetition in!

Tip #3: Sleep….yes!

Sleep is crucial for the optimal functioning of our bodies, yet we tend to sacrifice it work deadlines. Sleep also plays a key role in weight-loss. It helps you feel less hungry, gives you more energy and helps to reduce stress (who wouldn’t benefit from that!?) Make a sleep schedule and stick to it. When the time comes, wind down, turn off the electronics and sleep.

Tip #4: Skip the soda

Yes….take a moment, let it sink it, but that 3 diet coke a day is not helping you achieve any goals. Instead start replacing one of your carbonated beverages with a glass of water a day. Or try something new like an unsweetened beverage like tea. If you are someone who needs flavor, utilize an infuser water bottle with fresh fruit. Let it sit over night and the next day you’ll have flavor without the added calories from preservatives and sugars.

Tip #5: Reward Yourself

This sounds fun huh? When you achieve one of your goals or resolutions for the year, do something good for yourself. Skip the food reward and upgrade! I’m talking real rewards, new fitness gear, a fun perfume, a new outfit, heck even those awesome Nike’s or heels you’ve been eyeing up! A little retail therapy not only is fun but doesn’t pack on the extra calories from the food rewards we tend to treat ourselves with!

Tip #6: Active Recovery

Whether you go to your local park for a walk, or take a yoga class, it can help get you started on the right track and remove yourself from a stressful work environment. If you have a busy work schedule and taking a break is difficult, break it up. Take the stairs and skip the elevator. Get up from your desk and take a lap around the office. Make it manageable for you!

Tip #7: Eat With Intention

Instead of just reaching for that handy bag of chips in the vending machine, eat mindfully. Focus on what you eat instead of sitting in front of a TV or quickly swallowing your meal on your lunch break. When you sit down for a meal, be present in that moment. Put your phone down, turn off the TV and enjoy your meal. Take small bites, properly chew your food and enjoy it.

Tip #8: Up Your Carb Game

Yes…you can have your carbs AND eat them too! Take away those refined carbs, and implement whole grains. Whole grains have more fiber and protein so it takes your body longer to digest. Thus you are fuller longer. Simple swaps like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and quinoa are great substitutes! If you’re a fan of pasta, try using zucchini and squash to make veggie noodles!

Tip #9: Taste the Rainbow

Check out your plate before you go to sit down. Notice a pattern? How many colors are on your plate? Taste the rainbow means adding more color (fruits and veggies). My favorite go tos are kale, red peppers, blueberries, strawberries….reds, greens, blues ect. Find a healthy balance to energize your busy day!

Tip #10: Establish a Healthy Mentality

So often we focus on our bodies, we focus on abs, thigh gaps and toned arms but to truly live a healthier more fulfilled life we have to truly establish strength. Too often we forget about our mental strength, we forget that positive vibes equal a positive life. Take time, 10 to 15 minutes a day to read a personal development book. If you’re like me, you have a long commute, so I’ve found podcasts and audible books very beneficial. Personal favorites of mine are listed below!
1. You Are A Badass- Jen Sincero
2. Present Over Perfect- Shauna Niequist
3. The Universe Has Your Back- Gabrielle Bernstein
4. Girl Code- Cara Alwill Leyba
5. The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck- Sarah Knight
6. The 12 Week Year- Brian P Moran
7. Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle- Brad Lomenick
8. The Energy Bus- Jon Gordon
9. Crush It- Gary Vaynerchuk
10. Start With Why- Simon Sinek
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