How to create your HIGH VIBE morning routine

Have you been repeatedly hearing the importance and benefit of creating a morning routine or ritual but found yourself either hitting snooze or lacking the motivation to create one? That was me. Honestly, I was NOT a morning person. Literally, I would snooze for hours because the anxiety of the upcoming stressful day consumed by being and prevented me from success.

So how does one change this? Intention. When we begin with intention, it allows up a greater sense of purpose and connection to the routine or ritual you are trying to create. When you learn to put your needs first and set time aside in the morning, not only will you feel more in control of your day but you will also notice a positive ripple effect in the way you carry yourself and handle others.

A morning ritual or routine truly becomes sacred time, this sets the tone for the day, it sets a standard of the energy you are available for and allows you to set boundaries. As much as I love sleep and sleeping in, implementing the process I am going to share with you truly has nourished my soul, bring calm to my anxious nature and enabled me to accomplish more while still having time in my day to breathe.

When you set out to design your morning ritual or routine it has to feel right for you, it has to align with your goals and desires, it cannot be about anyone but yourself. Find a space in your home that brings you joy and enables you to focus. Please know my routine may not work for you, just use it as a guide to create your own unique routine.

So let’s get into this…. let’s create your HIGH VIBE morning routine or ritual

Step One: Set your alarm for your intended time to wake up. Not the snooze edition, I mean the actual time you know you need to wake up. Then, commit to that time, when the alarm goes off, sit up, then turn your alarm off.

PRO TIP: if your phone is your alone, like mine, as soon as you turn that alarm off, flip the phone over or put it in another room if you are tempted. This will get easier over time BUT avoid going down the rabbit hole that is social media because it can totally deter your morning routine and change your mindset within seconds.

Step Two: Personally, I drink plant based pre-workout, I call it my “life juice” because it gives me the kick I need to wake up, get motivated and go after my day. It takes 25-30 minutes to kick into my system so by the time it kicks in my ritual is complete.

PRO TIP: I have an insulated water bottle that I leave beside my bed the night before so I don’t have to waste time going downstairs to get my water to mix my pre-workout.

Step Three: Focus on gratitude. Whether you want to follow a guided journal (like my Soul Therapy one) or just grab a simple notebook. Write a list of 5-10 things that you are
grateful for. No matter where you are at in your life there are always things to be grateful for even if it is as simple as the food you have to eat, the home you are in or the job that is paying your bills (even if it’s not your ideal job 😉 ) focus on gratitude which already increases the positive vibes in your brain.

Step Four: Write out your positive affirmation list. Affirmations are something that was new to me within the last few years. If we are being honest, I thought it was stupid at first….news flash the things that change our lives will be things that make us step outside of our comfort zones. Embrace the new. For me, I use the Gabrielle Bernstein “Super Attractor” journal. In order to create my affirmation list, I first created a vision board, then I took those goals and created “I am” statements as if those goals have already happened. Then, after I write them out, I repeat them 2-3 times until I truly feel aligned and connected.

PRO TIP: if you struggle like me believing in yourself, write them on sticky notes and put them on your bathroom mirror so you are reminded daily.

Step Five: The last phase of my morning ritual or routine I MEDITATE. Yes, I Gina Marie now meditate. Something I could NOT do just two years ago. When I started to learn about meditation, I used a 4-minute meditation book to get myself into the idea that I could intentionally focus my thoughts. The second meditation book I use is when I am focused on helping a specific chakra. There is also an interactive journal I use when my headspace is too clouded and I need to focus on an activity to initiate my meditation.

BONUS STEP: Workout…yes, that’s the GAME CHANGER. After I get myself into a positive headspace, I then walk downstairs to my home gym which is set up in my garage and move my body whether that’s a workout or yoga flow. Movement first thing in the morning has been a key to decreasing my stress and anxiety before my work day.

Beneficial resources to incorporate for your morning routine or ritual:

Miracles Now are a 62 card deck of affirmations for spiritual growth and healing. Author Gabrielle Bernstein, also wrote Super Attractor and The Universe Has Your Back, two books that have been a huge part of my journey.

Work Your Light Oracle Cards are a 44 deck of cards to help you light up the world with your presence. There are five suits that help you connect with your intuition and enable you to start living a life that you feel aligned with. Author Rebecca Campbell, not only created these cards but wrote “Light is the new black” and “Rise sister rise” which have been two books that have helped me over the last year truly hone into what I desired for my life.

During your meditation, I recommend that you use candles. The purpose of meditation is to help you clear your mind and increase your ability to focus. One beneficial way to do this is by lighting a candle. Candles help to create a relaxing environment and also our a source of positive energy.


During your meditation, you can also start by burning sage. It is said that the smoke transmutes the negative energies and thoughts. Declare your space sacred once you have finished burning the sage…and obviously please be careful. Have an open window near by but never leave your candles or sage burning if you are not physically present.

Crystals, yes this is something that I honestly used to be embarrassed about. My entire life I have collected rocks and crystals…I used to think it was so nerdy and now it’s a total trending resource for improving your quality of life during your meditation. Personally, I get mine from The Emerald Tablet located in Sharon, PA. There they can help you find specific stones or crystals you are looking for to help balance your chakras and improve your meditation.

Links for resourcing:

For the books/cards use


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