5 Tips To Slay Your At Home Workout!

Happy Monday loves!

Next week, I am opening a FREE 5 day health & fitness group on my Facebook Page Gina Marie Fit.

So….I thought it would help to give you guys my top FIVE TIPS to SLAYING your at home workout to get you the results you DESERVE!

TIP #1: Find your soulmate workout program

Do you know what really made me fall in love with fitness again? VARIETY! With so many types of programs available at the push of a button, it’s easier than ever to find one you enjoy and hopefully one you want to slay all day! By trying different types of workouts, I help you find one that truly resonates with not only your goals but your heart.


Reality, it took you some time to get to the point you needed to make a change. It’s going to take some time for you to make a lifestyle out of your decision to take your health seriously. You may not see results right away, that’s why it’s so important to remain patient, positive and committed.

It’s important to surround yourself with positivity when starting a new journey. Listen to a motivating podcast, find that epic playlist that makes you want to sweat more or follow your favorite coach 😉 me to get daily motivation!

My favorite tip for staying patient, positive and committed? Write down WHY you want to slay your goals and post it somewhere you see every single day. That way you’ll be reminded of your decision and be more successful!

TIP #3: Find an accountability partner & join a group

Honestly, I did get off the wagon and never return on my own. It took me joining a health and fitness focus group to have the kind of accountability I needed. Having an accountability partner and support group was EPIC for my results. It wasn’t just about me, I had a group holding me accountable to my goals.

Each day you have an entire group lifting you up, you find fellow fit friends on your journey who will even text you to make sure you got that workout in for the day. It goes from being a pain to an enjoyment because you’re no longer alone in this journey!

TIP #4: Make a checklist for your goals

Learning and establishing new behaviors to make them second nature doesn’t come easily. It’s important to track your behaviors not only with accountability groups but also with lists. Each night I make a to do list for the next day of the things I want to accomplish and ALWAYS there is a workout on that list. Along with simple reminds like eat healthy, get your water it and get your butt to bed earlier! If you’re like me you love crossing things off your list, nothing is more fulfilling then having a complete to do list DONE!

What I really have found as a game changer has been our challenge tracker app. It gives my clients a free, awesome alternative to keeping yourself accountable. What’s even cooler? It tracks to your health and fitness focus group you’re in! So you have all ALL YEAR to crushing your goals.

Lastly, have that END GOAL for the last day of your program. Whether it’s to lose a certain amount of weight, inches or complete a certain amount of pull ups without struggling have that goal. You want to set your ULTIMATE BADASS GOAL and keep your eye on that goal! It will help you stay motivated once the initial workout high goes away!

TIP #5: Focus on ALL of the VICTORIES!

When you start your journey, especially if you decide to work with me, we cover CELEBRATING ALL OF THE VICTORIES! Too often we allow the scale to be our definer to success. But the reality, I’ve found more joy in non-scale victories than anything.

Losing some pounds is nice BUT when you put on clothes that you couldn’t fit in before….that’s another level of happiness and pure joy. Set your sights on a special even whether it’s your wedding, a party or a vacation. Put out your goal outfit and hang it somewhere to remind yourself.

Along with your goal outfit, remember, your weight does not define you. Be committed to living a healthier lifestyle and CELEBRATE all of the victories that also include that new found CONFIDENCE, your increased energy levels, your new found physical strength and that BADASS attitude to conquer life you’re going to gain!

If you’re interested in learning more about at home workouts that work for your busy schedule or if you’re interested in joining my next 30 day accountability group just fill out this quick form —>



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