Cut the Crap Out of My Life: Week 3 Recap

Well….surprisingly I am shocked at how different I felt this past week.

Legit, my headaches were to a minimum.
I wasn’t nearly as hungry.
I actually was struggling to eat the food.

Tiger Blood Phase

Tiger Blood means that you suddenly get boundless energy, cravings are under control, clothes are fitting better and your workouts are starting to improve. This really did happen. Honestly, I was so skeptical, my workouts have been terrible for the first two weeks, they got done, but not on my level. It would take longer rest breaks, more water breaks and extra motivation just to finish that last repetition. But this week, I wanted to workout, I actually didn’t have to talk myself into any of the workouts after work.

Nutrition during week three
Nutrition remained very simple, my proteins were steak, shrimp and chicken. Everything was cooked in coconut oil, spiced very simply and I utilized salt and pepper. Nothing fancy with my protein prep. For my complex carbs, they remained as sweet potatoes. Probably the last time I ever eat sweet potatoes this much lol. Personally, I am just very skeptical with trying new food so I keep new plans basic for success. Snacks remains with fruit (apples and bananas) and Cashew Cookie LaraBars.
The odd part of this week was cravings, it wasn’t that I was craving food. But when I would

see a donut shop, or someone eating chocolate I would immediate think about eating it? When I was at the grocery store this week, I walked by chips and almost bought them. It’s not that chips are a big deal but I don’t even eat them while not during a nutritional reset lol. There was a moment, on Sunday morning, where it almost all went to hell when I walked by the bakery on my way to the produce section and fresh donuts were out lol. But I had to remind myself, one more week. However, I will say I am bored with the food and I really miss peanut butter and brown rice.

Continuing side effects
For me, during this Whole 30, I have had over side effects which have been related to medication. The nausea from my medicine is FINALLY calming down thankfully. That has been one of the hardest parts during this journey since my body is adjusting to something new and I felt awful for the first half of this already and then you add on Whole 30 and woahhhh. Whole 30 is a great system for people with internal health issues and for me that is why I embarked on this journey.
Changes I have started to see
There have been some very surprising changes since beginning this journey. Recently, I noticed that I had eczema on my elbows. It’s a common thing, my dad had it. My elbows had been rough for

months even with lotion and then I noticed it was similar to my dad’s skin and I was developing eczema. That is GONE. Like legit….it’s not there anymore I keep staring at my arms lol I couldn’t believe it.

Sleep…..I am sleeping through the night, every night. I have zero trouble falling asleep and zero trouble staying asleep. Each night I am exhausted from a busy day being a traveler and a coach. I have the energy to accomplish everything I need but also feel sufficiently tired at the end of the night to successfully sleep without being anxious.
Gains –> my body is changing. Finally, I am starting to physically see the bloat go away. Personally, I have been able to up my weight game all week which has been nice. My body truly is starting to transform thanks to The Master’s Hammer and Chisel. For the first time, my legs are getting definition while also being strong. Personally, my goals do not involve weight-loss. Solely, they are to become healthier, happier, more confident and stronger. To me, women who are fit are beautiful and I love scrolling my IG and seeing so many fit, focused, amazing women going after their goals.
Going into the last phase….what’s next
This is it folks, this is the last phase. Home stretch and for me I am trying to improve my nutritional variety so for me my meal plan includes the same breakfast as always SHAKEOLOGY, I would have never survived this program without it. Lunch is beef stir fry with peppers, onions and sweet potatoes. Snacks are apples, bananas and LaraBars. Dinner is chicken, sweet potatoes and broccoli. Trying to change things up without failure since I am commuting again two hours a day for work.
Besides that, my focus this week is on doubles in my workout. Because I earned a free trip to Punta Cana at the end of the month, my second round would end during that time. So I am going to double up this week to end the program right before I go on this amazing trip. Lastly, my goal is to find time to look up the reintroduction phase again and have a plan for next week.
As always if you have any questions, or need help on your own health and fitness journey fill out this quick form! —> FORM <—
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