Don’t Let the Start Stop You

Real Talk: I’ve played sports my entire life, legit since I was five I’ve been athletic, the tom boy. I always found fitness fun, I know right, gag me huh? But it’s because fitness was an outlet, a positive addition to an always chaotic lifestyle. I found when life was overwhelming, or when my job was too stressful, I would got to the gym or take a class. For that one hour of class or two hours at the gym, there was silence, I was focused.

But life tends to happen, a lot lately, and I found myself out of shape, over weight and my doctor telling me I was borderline pre-diabetic. I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror anymore. I was tired all of the time, I was short of breathe and irritable. I found my life had been turned upside down and when I walked into the gym instead of enjoyment there was fear. I would walk in, start with cardio and walk right back out. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t be that person.

Anxiety had overcome me. I was tired and my love of fitness went from being enjoyable to fearful. I started to negate my nutrition and made excuses. I was working seven days a week, I was tired, it was winter, it was cold. But I knew in my heart these were just excuses. There’s always someone busier than me getting it done, and I knew that, but I tried to justify my actions or lack there of. Eventually, I had to make a choice, I had to choose my health or a lifetime of problems but I knew I couldn’t do it the same way again.

So after seeing post after post and being invited to an online challenge group. I gave an at home fitness program called 21 Day Fix a try. It truly changed the way I saw myself and my health. It went from dragging myself to a gym after work to rolling out of bed and working out in whatever I had on. The gym was wherever I was. The workouts were simple 30 minutes a day and the nutritional plan was so basic. It had containers and you just filled the containers and ate. It couldn’t be more simple.

But the fear or failure was still there and it took me the first week of still sitting on the couch eating gummy bears not getting results to finally get on board and join these amazing women who were being so supportive. So how did I over come this fear? How do you get back up and get started?

Here’s 5 tips I hope that help you so you don’t allow the start to stop you too!

1. Fear of looking funny or bad in public: Problem Solved with Beachbody On-Demand:

I’m sure if you’ve ever been to a gym or a class you see the flawless looking girls with so much coordination and when you try to complete the exercises they are doing….it’s well awkward. It can be hard to workout at gym especially if you are knew. The great part about working out at home is that there is no judgment. You can’t be late to class and there is no rush after work.
Now we have an all access pass to every program ever created and now you gain access to every program coming in the new year–> All Access Challenge Pack. You even gain access to an awesome app to track your progress for free!

2. Fear of being overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the gym:

If you’re like me, being overly stimulated when you’re trying to start something new can be difficult. Between the loud music, bright lights and intensity from others being competitive that can turn you off big time. If you’re taking a class and all you can do is stare, then not only will your form lack but so will the results. Try utilizing noise canceling headphones that will enable you to tune everyone out. Utilize an app on your phone or the TV on the treadmill to reduce your anxiety and keep your focus.

3. Fear of Failure: Join a challenge group:

So often our society is about quick fixes, fad diets and guaranteeing results without actually working for them. As a result, when we decide that it’s time to make a change in our lifestyle we become afraid of failure. When you take your health into your own hands, you are responsible for the results. It’s easy when you take pills, don wraps, you can blame the products but when it’s you, failure is a real fear. The best way to overcome this fear is to own it and overcome it head on.
Personally, I love the challenge groups I run because we help establish your health and fitness goals, together be form plans, and you have the accountability of the group so that you have the support and motivation many people are lacking to get started. It’s like having a virtual workout buddy 24/7. Anytime you need support, guidance or have a question, your accountability group is there.
Failure, it’s part of reality, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Failure can be beautiful because from failure you learn, grow and achieve a higher level of success. It’s what happens after you have failed that determines your level of success. You can rise above, start again, or continue to always be someone who makes excuses and tries to validate them. But if you are like me, that just leaves you with great disappointment and even farther from your initial goals.

4. Exercise brings anxiety: try a mind/body class:

As someone who has anxiety, on my most stressful days, things like yoga enable me to relax and establish a calmer mindset to overcome any difficulties I am experiencing. Yoga is beneficial because it doesn’t focus solely on the physical aspect of health and wellness but the mental aspect as well. It establishes a healing from the inside out. The flow of the class brings an empowerment that can enable you to no longer fear exercise.
If you don’t have a yoga studio or would like to try yoga prior to joining a studio, we offer a 3 Week Yoga Retreat where three yoga experts take you through the fundamentals and foundations of yoga, all in the comfort of your own home. You can breathe, stretch and work yourself to a physical and mental strength you’ve never achieved before. If you’d like more info or want to try it out for free you can email me at:

5. Fear of boredom: Find a workout that is fun and enjoyable:

One of the best parts about fitness now is that is has gone from weights and treadmills to a diverse variety that can be any physical level. For some, exercise has to be fun to shift the mindset from being forced to participate in daily activity, to actually enjoying working out. If you’re someone who doesn’t enjoy typical workouts, you hate treadmills and weights try a cardio dance workout. Do you like hip hop? Try Cize. Do you like country music? Try Country Heat. Finding something you enjoy while receiving the benefits for your body truly becomes epic for health and fitness goals. Workouts don’t have to be done inside a gym now you can take it outside, workout in your home or even a park!

If you’re interested in learning more about my next health and fitness focus group or would like more information about the Beachbody Health Bet where you can win a portion of the $3 million dollar part just for working out and drinking Shakeology fill out the application below!

Revolutionize Your Resolutions

Have you ever said that this was going to be YOUR YEAR but then life happened and it’s March and you never even used that gym membership you purchased back in January?

You found yourself even further from your goals and even more upset with your lack of motivation. But you didn’t have anywhere to turn, so you allowed your excuses to have validity.


That ALL changes NOW!

I’m running an online health and fitness accountability group focusing on your goals, your happiness and your health.

Andddd–> this month you gain access to win part of the Beachbody Health Bet pot currently at $2,000,000

So if you’d like:
–> to lose weight
–> to lean out
–> to improve your nutrition
–> support
–> motivation
–> accountability

While being surrounded by like minded people who will BOOST you up and be there when you fall off the wagon.

Then fill out this application below!

Group starts January 2nd!

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