Transformation Tuesday: Success in Setbacks

 Two years ago, I began a journey.
I left behind the dieters mindset.
I transitioned my focus on health not weight-loss.
I knew with the proper balance the weight would come off.
I always knew that the yo-yo dieting was becoming harmful.It took devastation for me to invest in my health.
It wasn’t overnight.
Or even in the first 21 days.
It was in that first year.
Seeing the progress, seeing the strength goals.
Something was changing.

I wish I could say it was all roses and butterflies.
But the truth is, that first year I found out I was sick.
I had a life threatening mass that forced me to have three surgeries.
It forced me to have setbacks with my health and fitness.
It mentally brought me to a level of disappointment.

But, I knew, that in 9 months I would be cleared.
And 9 months and one day later I was. It was all a scary blur.
My focus truly became a healthy mentality.
Losing weight wasn’t enough, dropping pant sizes just wasn’t it.
Sure, it was great to get out of the overweight category.
It was nice to no longer hear the words borderline pre-diabetic.

But, again, I knew, that something greater had to happen.
So I became a coach and started focusing on inspiring others.
I knew that it was my mentality that had to change.
Losing weight isn’t a difficult concept.
It happens over time with balance when we change our ways.

So why do so many people have setbacks with their journeys?
Life. It happens. Death. It happens. Heartbreak. It happens.
We tend to comfort ourselves with food.
We tend to stop what we are doing and consume ourselves with our problems.
Yet, even in the most difficult time of my life, I didn’t lose focus on my health.

Honestly, watching my loved ones pass in such a quick time.
Truly made my health even more of a priority.
Each day that my feet hit the floor, I am blessed with another opportunity.
One more day to right the things I did wrong and crush goals.
I went from the scale checker to packing it away and embracing myself.

Success came from setbacks for me. Watching my life fall apart enabled me to do two things:
1. Realize I wasn’t living a fulfilled life
2. Make my mission to inspire strength in others.
These quick setbacks made me realize I needed to reach more people, sooner.
Thus, success, focusing on the controllable and focusing on what I have versus what I lost.

It took time. A lot of personal development and many tears.
But a year later, I am here, stronger, more inspired. On a serious mission.
So if you’re someone looking to live a healthier life whether it’s energy, endurance or weight-loss.
I’m here to inspire you to NEVER give up. To know someone is in your corner.

My five quick tips to find success in setbacks with your health and fitness are as follows:

1. BREATHE-legit, take a moment to accept what you are experiencing.
2. MINDSET- adopt the fact that you need to change the way you are seeing life. Accept there is value in learning from failure. There is value in every endeavor you encounter.
3. RE-DEFINE SUCCESS- stop thinking that success can only come from one route. Realize that success is truly your decision, your vision, your intentions. Don’t allow other’s to steal your joy by comparing yourself to them. Put your blinders on and define what you truly want in life 4. DREAM- Give yourself time to dream, to envision a different path. If what you are doing does not bring your heart happiness then realize it’s time to make a new plan. That doesn’t necessarily mean you abandon your current life, but it does mean that you need to let your mind wander and picture a different future. It’s time to find balance.
5. IMPLEMENT- So you’ve had a setback. Make a list of what happened and then break down what you did and what you could have done better. Than re-engineer your goals to yield success. Break it down and work your way through your setback to establish success.
Whether you’re on a health and fitness journey, spiritual journey, or you are like me and on a life journey fill out the application below. SWEATING FOR THE SOUL- my health and fitness focus group is open and you are more than welcome to join! Fill out the app or shoot me an email and I will get you set up:

Life is too short to allow setbacks to prevent you from success.

Revolutionize Your Resolutions

Have you ever said that this was going to be YOUR YEAR but then life happened and it’s March and you never even used that gym membership you purchased back in January?

You found yourself even further from your goals and even more upset with your lack of motivation. But you didn’t have anywhere to turn, so you allowed your excuses to have validity.


That ALL changes NOW!

I’m running an online health and fitness accountability group focusing on your goals, your happiness and your health.

Andddd–> this month you gain access to win part of the Beachbody Health Bet pot currently at $2,000,000

So if you’d like:
–> to lose weight
–> to lean out
–> to improve your nutrition
–> support
–> motivation
–> accountability

While being surrounded by like minded people who will BOOST you up and be there when you fall off the wagon.

Then fill out this application below!

Group starts January 2nd!

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